Best Reflections jokes
Reflections jokes - 12/07/2023
2 reasons
There are two reasons why women have headaches:
1. They want a man, but they don't have one.
2. They have a man, but they don't want him!
Reflections jokes - 02/07/2023
Big Love
Love is when a girl sets all her passwords with her boyfriend's name.
Big love is when all passwords are different.
Reflections jokes - 14/03/2023
I keep two regimes at the same time.
I don't have enough food with one...
Reflections jokes - 02/02/2023
After seeing today's insurance prices, I decided it was cheaper to get ripped off.
Reflections jokes - 25/09/2022
When young
When I was young, I was very poor. After years of effort...I'm not young anymore.
Reflections jokes - 17/06/2022
Life is pretty day you're happy, the next day it's Monday.
Reflections jokes - 23/05/2021
Husband love
A wife loves her husband more than her children. They can be left over night with a female neighbor, while the husband cannot.
Reflections jokes - 04/09/2020
Maximum beauty
Women reach their maximum beauty around 30 years old, while men around 100,000 E.
Reflections jokes - 02/09/2020
Three signs
Bravery, honor and courage, three distinct signs of eing drunk.
Reflections jokes - 26/08/2020
After an age
From an age, being good in bed means not snoring.