Best Dry jokes
A girl knocked on my door asking for a donation to build a local swimming pool. So...I gave him a glass of water.
Dry jokes - 04/01/2022
A fair exchange
A friend told me that he got a champagne for his wife.
I told him that it seems like a fair exchange.
Dry jokes - 29/07/2020
Two fools in the desert
- There were two people in the desert. One asked the other:
- Why are you carrying a barrel of water behind you?
And the other answers:
- Well, when I'm thirsty, I drink another mouthful of water..
- But why are you carrying a car door behind you?
- Well, when it's hot, I stick my head out the window.
Dry jokes - 15/03/2020
Prince Charming
Handsome Prince grew up in one day like others in 10 years.
He died in a week.