Best Questions jokes
Questions jokes - 17/03/2024
Why do gorillas have big nostrils?
Because they have fat fingers.
Questions jokes - 01/12/2023
- What should a guy have to the woman never leave him?
- Bad luck!
Questions jokes - 02/03/2023
In case of fire
What are the steps to take in case of fire?
Big steps.
Questions jokes - 27/01/2023
Why weren't there...
Why were there no wise women?
Because I can't have a beard!
Questions jokes - 09/01/2023
Why salt water?
- Why do fish live in salt water?
- Because the pepper makes them sneeze.
Questions jokes - 03/01/2023
100 eggs
What's green, has 100 eggs and sings?
Army Chorus.
Questions jokes - 05/12/2022
December only
What does December have that the other months don't?
- The letter D.
Questions jokes - 21/12/2021
- What is an agreement between two crocodiles called?
- A Croco-Deal.
Questions jokes - 19/12/2021
What's red, and not good for the teeth?
- A brick.
Questions jokes - 21/11/2021
How to get off
- How can a woman lose 5 kg?
- Give up the bag.