
- Aren't you ashamed that the waiter brought you home at midnight?
- Well, if he wasn't free earlier...

19 5

The doctor, on a house call, goes into the bedroom with the patient, leaving the very agitated husband to wait outside.
Two minutes later, the doctor comes out of the bedroom and asks for a kitchen knife. The husband executes himself and the doctor disappears back into the bedroom. After a while he comes out again, this time asking for a hammer and chisel.
The husband runs downstairs and returns with a hammer and chisel.
Now the poor man was in a terrible state of agitation.
The doctor re-enters the bedroom, reappears after about five minutes.
- I'm sorry, he says. I'm afraid I need a crowbar.
- A crowbar?!! screamed the husband in a choked voice. What's the matter with her? Tell me, I want to know!
- I had no way to find out, said the doctor. I've been trying to open my kit ever since.

22 0

A blonde to her friend:
- I've had enough. I've been waiting for my boyfriend since five and now it's already a quarter to six.
- But what time were you supposed to meet?
- At four.

27 9

The boss enters his workers:
- I told you: during work, don't smoke!
One of the workers, looking at the boss:
- But who works?

20 0

The lawyer:
- I understand you want a divorce, madam. What is the reason for this decision?
- He was not faithful to me.
- How so?
- I realized that he is not the father of my child!

19 1

Two friends are talking:
- The psychologist recommended me a very good way to fall asleep quickly. I count to three and fall asleep instantly.
- So fast?
- Not always. Yesterday, for example, I counted to four in the morning!

23 1

A group of 200 women were asked about the taste of kissing: which is sweeter, that of the husband or that of the lover?
Among the 200 women:
100 answered that their husband's kiss is sweeter;
100 answered that their lover's kiss is sweeter.
None of them answered "I don't know".

11 5

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