
- Honey, are you giving me a nice traditional stew this week?
- I can't, maybe the other one.
- She can't either, I asked her!

24 3

- I gave my wife a surprise for Santa Claus!
- Well yes! What did you buy her?
- A chocolate with hazelnuts!
- Well, this is what you call a surprise?!
- Well, yes, because she was expecting a dress!

11 3

A man with a sad face enters a bar and asks for a beer.
The bartender asks him: What's wrong with the long face?
The man answers: I argued with my wife and she said she won't talk to me for a month!
Bartender: And what's the problem?
The man: Well, the month ends tonight!!

19 5

- Johnny, what gift did you buy for grandma to put under the Christmas tree?
- A soccer ball!
- A soccer ball? Well, grandma doesn't play football.
- It does not matter! She bought me books to read...

118 21

A demented maniac sprinkled some money with poison and donated it to a nursing home.
5 deputies, the mayor and his assistant died.
No old man was hurt!

69 10

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