
- Consume more cinnamon, it helps you lose weight!
Me at the pastry shop:
- 10 cinnamon donuts, please!

104 39

- Please don't ywan when I am speaking to you! says the upset wife.
- But I'm not yawning, I'm just trying to say something...

128 37

At an anthropology museum in China there were 1000 skulls. The guide explains:
- They ate poisoned mushrooms and died.
- But some skulls have holes!, observes one of the tourists.
- Some didn't want to eat...

74 45

A couple at the zoo. He says:
- Honey, do you see that hippo over there, behind the bars? And look what a big mouth he has...
- Yes, yes, I see!, she said.
- And you see, however, that he is silent...

119 35

In psychology class, the teacher explains:
- The best way to save a woman from depression is sex.
A student asks:
- Professor, but how can you bring a woman to depression?

78 34

A driver drives up to the bank of a river and asks a policeman who was fishing if the water is deep. He answers that no, and the driver decides to drive into the river. However, the car sinks and the driver, unable to save his vehicle, barely manages to get out of the water.
Angry, he starts yelling at the policeman:
- You said the water was small, and I was about to drown!
- On my honor, 10 minutes ago it was small; some ducks passed by, and the water was barely up to their chests!

65 18

Two blondes were looking for a Christmas tree in the forest. After many hours of standing in the cold, one of them says to the other:
- Listen, wouldn't it be better to take one like this, simple, without decorations?

127 31

A drunk guy leaves a bar. He goes to the parking lot and starts touching the cars on the roof. Another driver sees him and asks:
- What are you doing man, what are you looking for?
- I'm looking for my car, said the drunk, staggering!
- Well... and why are you touching them on the ceiling, what, aren't they all the same?
- Nah! Mine has a traffic light...

61 10

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